Monday, October 19, 2009

What's your role . . .

Last night I was woken up by my husband swearing and flailing about at a fly/mosquito/annoying winged insect that had gotten into our bedroom and was feasting on him.  Clearly he has more delicious blood than I do because he is always the one that insects choose.  (Would the same be true for vampires?  hmmm.  I watch too much True Blood).  Anyways, it got me thinking about the roles that are assumed, given, battled for or required in our relationships. 

There have been times in our marriage and relationship when our roles have changed to suit our current situations.  But there are also roles that are permanent.  He is the man with a five, ten and fifteen year plan carefully plotted out in Excel.  I arrange and organize all current activities, dates, meetings.  My forecast barely can reach a month out.  I am the technology guru and read manuals for any new gadget that comes in the house.  He is not a gadget or technology guy and very rarely uses his phone for anything more than calls.  (Our 15-year old 19 inch sanyo tv was just replaced this weekend by a flat screen.  Any previous discussion of a new tv was thwarted with the response - but the sanyo is still working great.)

In our family we each have a role as well.  For some reasons these roles seem harder to shake.  My older brother will always be the 'golden child' in our family. Our more-stylish -sister is clearly the most fashionable and fabulous and most likely to be wearing corn on her face.  I am the most emotional and the craftiest and Lish is the most reliable and the one to always give you the truth.

Kind of makes a girl think - what's your role here?

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