Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keep asking . . .

I meant to post this yesterday but I couldn't get into blogger - some gmail issues I suspect.  Sorry for the delay in bringing you this fascinating story.

With the new tv this weekend came the option of getting an HD cable box.  I called my provider yesterday to find out about it.  Ultimately, decided against switching to an HD box as I'm too attached to my DVR.  While I was on the phone I asked him to go through my bill to see what I was paying.

I always do this with my bills.  I'm cheap and if I can be saving money than I'm going to try and do it.  So at the end of it I asked, "Are there any other bundles that are cheaper."  He said he would have to transfer me to billing.  So I was transferred.

The woman at billing verified all my information and I asked her the same question,"Are there any cheaper bundles?"  Right off the bat she said."I'll take $5 off your monthly bill.  You're paying $$$ and now you'll only pay $$"

 A bit taken aback I asked again "Ok, but are there any bundles that would be better for me."She replied, "All right, $10 off.  I'll take $10 off a month and you'll get HBO free for 3 months."

So I agreed.  She put me on hold while she added HBO to my service and before I knew it I was paying less and getting more services.  The whole point of this is to check your bills.  And don't be afraid to ask.

Image via Anne Taintor .  Don't you just love her stuff.

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