Monday, September 21, 2009

What's your best feature?

Let me preface this post by saying it is very narcissistic, and I am bad with compliments.

I get a subscription to Marie Claire magazine. Every month there are two pages dedicated to people they find on the street who are asked "what your best feature/". Some of the answers are vain, some of them are sentimental, and some of them are very Oprah-y live your best life. For some reason this month it got me wondering what would I say my best feature is if I were asked by Maire Claire magazine, to be published with an on the street snapshot next to it of course.

I find it ironic and surprising that the first thing that came to my mind was not what I actually think but what other people compliment me on. Which is weird in several ways:

1) Because why don't I know what I think my best feature is before I know what other's think my best feature is?

2) Apparently my best feature has changed in the last year.

3) Most people start a compliment with a question before they actually compliment you. As if your answer is going to change the fact that they find something about you attractive.

So my best feature according to the public used to be my eyes. I used to be complimented on them the most, but only after first making sure that I wasn't wearing color contacts, and they were my "real" eyes. Now apparently my hair is my best feature. I am a redhead so I usually get asked if I am a natural redhead (nope I'm not, and I will tell anyone who asks) somewhere in the compliment. The other notable thing about having my hair be my best feature is that now people touch me when they compliment me. In the last three weeks I have been complimented and pet three different times by complete strangers. This did not happen when liked my eyes. Not once did someone try to poke me in the eye!

Oh and I decided that my laugh is my best feature. Cause it never has a bad day, and it only gets better with age. AND I am going to start handing out more compliments freely.

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