Thursday, September 3, 2009

"When someone strikes out at you they are showing you their pain.
It's not even personal! If you chose to defend your position, you've
sunk to the same level. Then the war begins. THIS is not your nature,
but it is a collective nasty habit."

-Kyle King-

I am trying to live by this quote, but it is sooooo hard. Just been dealing with someone who in my opinion is emotionally unstable lately. It's really hard to let things slide when someone lashes out at you for no reason. You (or at least I) can't help but think "am I the crazy one here", when someone reacts so over the top to something. I always try and put myself in the other persons shoes and think if I were them would this request/action warrant the response I got. In this case the answer is no, and has been no each time. I have no choice but to deal with this person in the current situation I am in. I have tried the avenue of having a calm conversation with the person. I have tried getting a third person involved. The responses I am getting is

"she's not going to change"
"she's an unhappy person"
"don't let it get to you"
"you just have to deal"

While all of those are great things to say in a pep talk, none of the solve the problem, or change the situation. I am moving on. I can't change how getting lashed out at makes me feel, (It's draining to rise above!). And this person clearly is not going to change her behavior. So I am changing my situation. It is not going to be an easy process, but ultimately it is going to be the best process for me.

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