Monday, December 21, 2009

The problem with Victoria's Secret Swimsuit is......

Too much butt!!! Too too TOOOOOO much butt. Now I will cop to the fact that I have a little more junk in my trunk. I'm a little bootylicous, or j-lo style, than one would expect from an Irish girl. But that's okay.

I like to go to the Victoria Secret website and browse through the swimsuit section to stay/get motivated. The problem is every other year or so I forget about the malfunction in the design and inevitably order a suit. Then I get it home and try it on in the safety of my own home. To run around on my tippy toes from mirror to mirror with my hands covering my keester. Which makes no sense since I live alone, but I feel so exposed because as I stated earlier there is just too much butt, and NOT enough fabric. So after the last time I vowed to never make this mistake again. This time I tirelessly poured through the site only to realize.....There is NO "full" butt coverage! Everything is "moderate" back coverage. Umm Hello Victoria's secret I know a lot of your models are from Brazil, but you are an American company. And when I am ordering swimsuit bottoms based on my pant size I can't be the only one this is happening to. From now on this going to be filed under a "you" not "me" problem.

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