Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pick a winner!

That is handwritten on the back of the picture in our banner. It makes me die laughing whenever I look at that picture, cause if you look you will notice Tizzy picking her wedgie. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAH

I am pretty sure Stylish older sister wrote it. She would have 11-12 at the time, so it seems about right. Although I think she would write that today so it more just seems like her personality. But what if it was our mom who wrote it. Wouldn't that be hilarious!

PS: Tizzy has been super busy, and frustrated this week. She may not have time to post, lots going on. She actually got yelled at by a cab driver on Monday and told to get out of the cab. That's rough, she is clearly did not take the advise on the back of the picture. That cab was not a winner.

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