Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Really??? You are aware Cinderella is a fairtale.

"One of the reasons it was OK for me to leave in the first place was because I thought if this is love and he really cares about me, then he is going to come and find me," she says. "He's a pilot, like fly to get me that would be amazing"

This is a quote from Ali the contestant who chose to leave the Bachelor last week. I mean this makes me roll my eyes. Granted this girl young (I think 24), but sweety you willingly walked away from your relationship with this guy, knowing he had 3 other girls/women he was in relationships too. Were you really this naive to think you could put something else as a priority in front of him and think he would just follow you on bended knee. I love a good daydream like the next person but you really didn't think you could walk away from someone and they would follow.

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