Monday, August 17, 2009


I always think it's important to have perspective. I am guilty of having too much at times. Friends and family can get a little irritated when I play devil's advocate. I do it too often. Sometimes when people are upset they just want someone to support them, and have their back. I automatically go to rationalization. Unless of course it's something I am upset about and then all rationale is out the window.

Anyway back to my point on perspectives, the other day I was walking down a block I walk down at least once a week. Due to construction, I was walking on the opposite side of the street than I normally do. My perspective was forced to change, and honestly it was like I had never been on this block before. There were so many times that I had been looking at the pretty houses or gardens across the street that I never paid any attention to. It got me thinking what else have I been missing out on, by just simply following the routines that I am used to.

So I have decided for the month of September I am not going to take my "normal" path through life. I am going to push myself to live outside my routine, walk on the other side of the street, and take a new route.

I will let you all know how it goes.

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