Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hey Parents Listen UP

Something you should try to avoid on a Sunday is bringing your toddlers to the ridiculously crowded Trader Joe's on Lincoln in Chicago. But once you have made the ill-fated decision, because let's face it we all get in a jam and need to go, it would be great if you could decide to NOT let them drive their own child size basket that they continually run into all other shoppers. Or walk on the wrong side of the aisle creating a complete standstill for all other shoppers. Also if you could maybe NOT have them run around in the traffic jammed parking lot, it would great! Mom's I would like to give you mostly a break here because I would have to say that is it more often than not Dad's who have children exhibiting said behavior with them.


  1. lightin' up sassy shopper!

  2. maybe you shouldn't shop on weekends at these public places if you don't like to encounter other humans

  3. try peapod next time
