Monday, November 2, 2009

DDST . . .

 My girlfriends know that stands for "Deep Dark Secret Time"
It's what we use as a prelude to any really big news.
No, I don't have any to share.
But we are always trying to coax some out of each other.

I was talking to a friend this weekend and she was totally jamming
out to Jason Mraz, I'm Yours, in her car.
She loves the song. Loves it.
Just puts her in a great mood.

Unfortunately, it's also a deep dark secret for her.
She's really more of a rocker and hip hop chic.
Thinks her street cred would be ruined if people knew.

Got me thinking - we all have deep, dark secrets.
Whether it's music, food, activities, dreams, nightmares, regrets, actions.
We all carry something that we never reveal.
Or only reveal to our most trusted.

Sometimes they are heavy and burdensome
and some are very innocent.
Some we carry to protect ourselves.
Some to protect others.
Some people lend their secrets to their friends or family.
So the burden is not theirs alone.
Imagine all the secrets floating around out there.

What are yours?

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