Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The most annoying thing about being single.

He is super responsive with calls, texts and emails, except when he’s not.The BlackBerry can be used as a powerful weapon, and its powers of manipulation are mighty. While not necessarily malicious, unreturned calls and texts tend to mean something is up, especially if it’s out of the ordinary. Uggghhhh technology keeps us in such constant contact with people. Sometimes that's good. Like when you are hearing from the person all the time. Sometimes it's bad, like when you notice you are no longer hearing from someone all the time. I swear to god, e-mails and texts, BBM's, MMS, all the different way we have to message each other. And the last guy I dated I never even had a phone conversations with. This is in stark contract to first real grown-up relationship, that did include technology and e-mail. But let's face it 8 years ago when I would e-mail with my guy, they were like actual full-page letters to each other. As of late I feel lucky to get more than 5 sentences from a guy at a time. Yeah when you put all the back and forth together there is maybe a full page there, but hello that took ALL day. And hey I'm just going to end this post with the idea that there’s nothing that makes someone seem more insecure than the sentence, “Why didn’t you return my text—where were you?”

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