Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Yo Yo Yo

So there has been an outpouring of support for Tizzy and I in the last couple of days. Peeps were wondering what happened to us. And to be honest I'm not sure. I can't really post while at work anymore. I used to update a lot during lunch, or quickly at my desk, but that is not really possible at my new gig. So hmmmmm let's see what have I been doing.

-I've had a very busy social schedule, or let me say I have gotten out of my own way enough to have more fun in the last couple months than I have in the last couple of years. Here's to the year of yes!!!!!

-I've taken two sessions of tennis lessons

-I've hit up 5 streetfests

-I've been on one blind date, (it was fun, but no real follow up)

-I had a corporate outing that took an entire weekend.

-I tried a new diet/food system (lost two lbs the first week, then gained 3 the second week so I went back to normal eating after that)

-I started using anti-aging creams and potions, cause I was looking haggard.

-I started smoking again, but am doing accupuncture Thursday to quit again, and FINALLY.

-I celebrated Stylish older sisters 40th b-day, and Susie-Q's 70th in one big family filled weekend.

-I pierced a guys ear at a party, and then spent a month swooning over him, even though he lives 5 hours away and is an eternal bachelor. But really in my defense I kind of used him to get over a different eternal bachelor, it didn't really work. I need to quit eternal bachelors more than I need to quit smoking maybe.

-I started working out in the morning, then two weeks in I threw out my back again, so I had to stop that.

That's all I can think of for now folks.

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